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I am running for three main reasons. These three reasons have more to do with general principles rather than specific issues, but the principles apply to a wide range of issues.

Three reasons for running

The first reason is liberty. It’s the idea that you can run your own life far better the government can run it for you. There is no comparison. When we have liberty, we have a higher standard of living, we have better morale, and we benefit in multiple ways.

The second reason is that I have a strong aversion to special interest favoritism. Everyone has interests, but they must be addressed fairly, without government favoritism. The free market is the economic expression of liberty. We don’t have liberty with special interest favoritism.

The third reason is that I am not special. It’s not about me. Ideas are special. When legislators think they are special, we don’t have freedom.

Serving the constituents

The Council and the City staff serves the constituents, the residents of Lakewood.

This should be a high priority of every policy and action of Lakewood. Lakewood doesn't have 158,000 customers. Lakewood has 158,000 employers. The core services that benefit everyone should have the highest priority.

Constitutional policies

The most important priority is adhering to the U.S. Constitution, the Colorado Constitution, and the Charter of the City of Lakewood. This actually the highest priority. I will not knowingly vote in favor of any ordinance that violates the U.S. Constitution, the Colorado Constitution, or the City Charter.


Safety is one of the primary functions of governments at every level. Laws should protect the potential victims of crime rather than enable the criminal. Governments that intentionally neglect or refuse to enforce the law do not encourage safety. Also, a strong economy is usually a deterrent to crime. Generally, a prosperous community is a safe community.

Taxes and Spending

First of all, taxes need to be affordable. Tax dollars should only be used for legitimate functions of government. Spending priorities need to be adjusted by the needs of the general public. The recent mill levy reduction passed on October 23 reduces the amount of property tax increase. The majority voted to amend the original proposal. The lowest increase was the original proposal. The majority was not happy with a smaller increase. They frequently talk about affordable housing. I think we have affordability issues in every area, not just housing. They always want to increase our cost of living.

Taxpayer's Bill of Rights

Colorado's Taxpayer's Bill of Rights protects our freedom by limiting the growth of our state and local governments to the rate of inflation and population growth without voter approval. When governments grow beyond inflation and growth, they grow in scope and in the percentage of the overall economy. When this happens, the freedom, power and wealth of the people diminish.

The proper role of government

I have been asked a number of times what is the proper role of government. That is a really easy question, as it has already been answered in the Declaration on Independence:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness—that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,”

I can’t word it any better. The primary role of government is to secure our rights. There are other smaller less important roles, but the primary role is to secure our rights.  

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